Coffee Origins and Farms

From climate change to the coffee price crisis, there are numerous reasons beyond general stewardship to highlight the importance of creating a sustainable coffee supply chain environmentally, socially, and economically.

Coffee is a way of life for the family behind Five Star Coffee Roasters, who have been producing high-quality specialty coffee beans for generations at their family-owned and managed farm, Finca Santa Lucia. Located in the remote village of Tres Pinos, Honduras and surrounded by a cloud forest, the farm is dedicated to producing the best coffee while improving the quality of life for their employees. The Rodriguez family, including Raul Rodriguez, Nelson Amador, and Alejandra Gomez are committed to producing, roasting, and brew excellent specialty coffee and determined to create a bright future for the next generation of coffee producers through their commitment to building direct trade relationships, using sustainable farming practices, and investing in education projects in rural coffee communities like the one they grew up in.
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